Pretty Deadly by Deconnick, Rios, Bellaire, & Cowles

I'd like to tell you a little about this graphic novel. I'd like to, but I can't, because I have no freaking idea what I just read.

It starts with a butterfly and a bunny. The bunny gets shot, and it's skeleton continues on through the comic telling a story to its friend the butterfly. And that's not the weird part. There are multiple things going on and I'm not sure how they all fit together. Death has a daughter with a man named Mason's wife. The daughter, Deathface Ginny, becomes the embodiment of vengeance. For some reason Death wants his daughter to come home so he keeps sending someone named Alice to get her. I'm not totally sure who Alice is. Alice is constantly defeated and returns to Death as a swarm of butterflies. There's a bunch of people protecting a girl who was apparently pulled out of a river of blood in hell. I think she's supposed to be the new embodiment of Death.

I don't know. It's all very artsy. I'm ok with artsy as long as it has a point. This doesn't seem to have one. Artsy for artsy's sake walks a fine line and can easily cross over into pretentiousness. That annoys the crap out of me.

One positive note is that with the exception of Clayton Cowles, everyone involved is female. So that's cool.

You read it and tell me why I'm wrong.


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