Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

My boss has started a book club and will pay us to read several business and self improvement books this year. HAHAHAHA! So this year you will see a lot of books that I would never normally read, but hey, I'm not one to turn my nose up at some extra moolah.

So my first entree into this book club is Who Moved My Cheese? One reason I picked it is because I knew it was mercifully short. It was also the only one I could find at the library. It is a very easy read. I find it kind of odd that they actually had to make a kids version of this. The language is very simple, and it doesn't take a Mensa candidate to get the concepts the book presents.

But while it's simplistic, or perhaps because of its simplicity, it is easy to apply to your life. I can actually see all the characters in the book in my last job at the now-defunct bookstore. I can see myself in how I react to change (generally badly, at first, at least). The simplistic sayings the character writes on the wall of the maze are easy to remember, and are meant to stick in your head for when those times come when you have to recognize the "Handwriting on the Wall."

People do fight change and they do deny when it is coming. It may be cheesy - pun intended - but it makes a really good point. Change or die. That's the bottom line, and that's what this book is trying to make the reader understand.


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