East of West Vol. 1 by Jonathan Hickman

I was waiting for the last collection of Y The Last Man to come in, and the guy at the comics store suggested this. It's post-apocalyptic, that's for sure. I'm not sure the two titles have much else in common.

The four horsemen of the apocalypse have returned to start Armageddon. Well, three of them have at least. Each time they make an appearance on Earth, they begin as children. So these three kids are wandering around, trying to find Death so they can get on with their business. They have been summoned by The Chosen, believers in The Message, a three-pronged prophesy of the end of times. The US has been divided into 7 nations when the Civil War fails to end. The Chosen are believers chosen (natch) from these 7 nations.

So what's up with Death? Why did he not make the scene? Well Death fell in love with one of the daughters of the leader of the Chinese Nation, the PRA. They have a child together. Mother and child are kidnapped, and she thinks the child is dead. Apparently that is not so - he's being held by The Chosen and is being interpreted as The Beast. As one would expect where one of the main characters is Death, a lot of killing happens.

It's very stylish, I'll give you that. I found it a little hard to read because the lettering seems really small (maybe it's just my old age). But the worst part is I felt like I was frequently lost. I almost felt like the scenes were switching mid-page and I'd have to go back and check to see if I'd missed something. Perhaps I've become spoiled by Brian K Vaughn's helpful title cards. Whatever the problem is, I just don't find it intriguing enough to continue. It just felt messy. Stylishly messy, like a supermodel's haircut, but not enough going on underneath, like the supermodel (haters gotta hate, right?).


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