Blankets by Craig Thompson

I remember a time when I wasn't into audiobooks. That's gone. Audiobooks are totally awesome.

I remember a time when I wasn't into graphic novels. Yep. That's gone too. But while finding a new, exciting audiobook isn't that hard, finding a graphic novel is proving a bit more difficult.

This graphic novel is so beautiful. The art is fantastic and occasionally surreal without getting too far out there. The story leaves a little to be desired.

It's the story of a boy growing into a man. It shows him fighting with his brother, a relationship that falters as they get older. It shows him exploring the faith he's grown up in, another relationship that falters as he gets older. More importantly, it shows him falling in love, and this, it seems to me is the point to the whole book. This first love changes him in ways he didn't expect, as it always does. But, true to form, this relationship falters as he gets older.

Is this something new? Well, no. I think it's a truth universally acknowledged that we all outgrow our first loves/crushes, but having outgrown them, we are still irrevocably changed by them. So the plot isn't really the point of reading this. It doesn't really go anywhere. But never has anything gone nowhere quite so beautifully. Check it out as an art object, not for any astounding insights into humanity, and you will find it incredibly rewarding.


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