Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

I have always read a lot, but I guess I'm not a very cultured reader. There are some novels that are praised to the skies, win awards and all kinds of accolades, but they sound so boring to me. I usually just pass them by, but this one sounded interesting and I liked Remains of the Day, so I thought I'd give this one a try.

Wow, it's hard to imagine a book where so little happens. Maybe if the other novel's pages were blank, this novel would stand a chance of being a bit more exciting. It centers around a group students at a private school. You get the feeling right from the beginning that something's up with these kids, but for the longest time you aren't told what. Then, just as an aside, they just happen to mention that they are clones. I thought I missed something. Surely that's an important part of the plot; shouldn't there be more made of it? Even when they do let the penny drop, it's like saying they all have brown hair or something else equally mundane. It was like the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders when I turned the last page.

So is it me? All these classics, these bestsellers, these award winners...are they all just boring as hell or am I just a tasteless reader? Does it matter?


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