The Cold Moon by Jeffrey Deaver

There are several storylines going through this novel. The main plot line is a serial killer case where the perpetrator is called The Watchmaker. He leaves very particular clocks behind - they have one of those windows for the phases of the moon - as well as a poem referencing the moon. Plot line 2 is a police corruption story, where two men were possibly killed because of their dealings with these dirty cops.

Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs are the detectives on the case. This is the seventh novel with Rhyme and Sachs, although it's the first one I've read. I did see the movie of The Bone Collector, which is the first in the series, so I'm at least familiar with the characters. Rhyme is paralyzed and Sachs serves as his eyes at the crime scenes.

I can't speak for all these novels. Maybe this one is unusual to the series, but I found it very dull throughout most of the novel. About two-thirds of the way through it picks up as things begin to come together. I just felt there was too much going on. You think things are wrapping up nicely, but there's still more novel to read. Then something else is thrown at you; another thread that needs to be woven into the main. The detectives make such huge deductive leaps, it would make the nimblest of mountain goats go wobbly at the knees. Maybe this is the exposition to the Watchmaker series of the Rhyme series - sort of a series within a series. I just expected better.


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