
Showing posts from May, 2017

My thoughts on 13 Reasons Why

I haven't read the book, so this is about the Netflix series. I'm off my book game...again. Something just isn't grabbing me about the book I'm trying to read now. It's not that it's not good, it's just that I don't care, I guess. So I wanted to talk about this instead. This is such a tough show to watch. I'm not sure I've ever seen anything as difficult. In case you live under a rock, here's the TL:DR version. A girl commits suicide and leaves seven tapes behind with an explanation as to why she did this. Each side is dedicated to one person who impacted her decision. Through the tapes and her narration you see what she experienced. We managed to watch it in two days, but I think it's better to not binge this one. You need time to process what you are watching.  But most importantly I think it needs to be watched. Many people are talking about how it glamorizes suicide and will make kids want to try it. I really think that's m