
Showing posts from April, 2017

It must be awesome to feel great all the time

Today my coworker was watching someone on his phone. I'm not sure who the guy was, but he was waving his Bible around and proselytizing, so I'm assuming he's some sort of preacher. He was talking about anxiety, so I pricked up my ears since I know at least one person that has that issue. He began by commenting that he wasn't a neurologist or anything of that sort. What he was telling his congregation was that in the middle of anxiety was an "I". His...shall we call it a theory?.... let's use opinion...his opinion is that anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues have one root cause, pride. So this pissed me off. First off, I'm pretty sure he used the word neurologist and that is someone who studies the actual, physical brain, not the inner workings of the mind. The term you want is psychologist. You want me to listen to you, at least spend two seconds getting your terms right. Second, if you confess that you don't know what you're t

The one in which I get philosophical and overshare

It's been so long since I've been on here. Honestly for someone who pegs herself as a bibliophile, books have pretty much been off my radar as of late. I am having trouble getting into the one I'm supposed to be reading and that's holding everything up. I also started writing for a website called Pop Culture Pipe Bomb  mostly about movies and TV, so that's taken up a lot of time too. But right now I have so much in my head that I just need to get out, and since I don't have anyone to talk to about it, this will have to be the forum. It all started with some tweets from two people I follow. I'm not lucky enough to call them friends, I'm just lurking on their timelines. As near as I can tell there was a debate between them a while back, and while I don't know the particulars, what I have gleaned from it has made me think all these thoughts. Before I can get to that though, I guess I need to lay down a little groundwork. I went to Baptist school