
Showing posts from March, 2017

A Cure For Wellness *SPOILERS*

Some of my friends will hate this review (if anyone reads it) because they are strict spoiler-phobes. But I don't really care. My emotions about this are directly related to the ending, so I'm going to lay it all out. When I saw the trailers for this I was so excited for multiple reasons. I liked the weird feel of the trailer. I don't mind weird, although there are limits. And I love Jason Isaacs. He is really making a name for himself as a creepy villain, and I couldn't be happier. This one though.... It starts out so visually stunning. There's a shot of a train going into a tunnel (hmmm) where the surroundings are reflected onto the sides of the train. It's beautiful. The settings are stunning and the lighting brought tears to my eyes at times. This is what I expected, so I was a happy little moviegoer. The plot is that the CEO of a company (Pembroke) has gone off to a Swiss health spa and basically told the board he's not coming back. Rising star Lockh

March Moviecation

My last movie spree was in December. I used to be able to go a lot more than I do now, but that's not because there's a lack of movies that I want to see. My problem is how do I see everything I want to see in the limited amount of free time that I have? Enter the moviecation (trademark pending, although I do need to credit my friend Jessica with the inspiration). This week has been a cornucopia of movies I've caught at the last minute; stuff I've been wanting to see for a while. Here's what I've seen and my thoughts. 1. Hidden Figures Taraji was fucking robbed. Not even nominated?!? How is that possible? This is a movie everybody should see, especially little girls, so they know that anything is possible, and that being a nerdy girl can get you in some really awesome places. But that positive message is counterbalanced by the heartbreaking history that's the main focus of the film. Segregation has been addressed in films before. As a young(ish) white w

The Hedge Knight I & II by Ben Avery

Last year I gave in and began watching Game of Thrones. It was a huge binge but I managed to get it in before the finale, so that was the first show I watched live. I was stunned by the quality of the production. HBO has really stepped up their game, and with Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu also in the mix, the big three networks are falling behind. I'm sure that has a lot to do with the fact that they have a lot more time to fill than the others. HBO, Netflix, and Hulu have other media that can satisfy their subscribers. The networks have 21 hours of primetime to fill and they can't just throw a movie up and hope it works. Since the last seasons are coming up and rabid fans are already experiencing the feels, people have started talking about a prequel series. I asked my friends who have actually read the series what that would look like, and one of them mentioned the Hedge Knight series (and then provided me with the graphic novels! Thanks Brit!). The series begins with o