
Showing posts from June, 2015

36 Books That Changed The World by The Great Courses (audiobook)

As a bibliophile, is there any wonder I felt I needed to listen to this course? It's a very interesting look at several books written throughout history that had a profound impact one the world. I've read very few of them, but most of them are on my "to read at some point in my life" list. Here's the breakdown and the lecturer(s) on each: 1. The Epic of Gilgamesh by Grant L. Voth 2. Homer's The Odyssey by John M. Bowers 3. The Bhagavad Gita by Grant Hardy 4. Sun Tsu 's The Art of War by Andrew R. Wilson 5. Confucius's The Analects by Mark W. Muesse 6. Herodotus' Histories by Elizabeth Vandiver 7. Plato's The Republic by Dennis Dalton 8. Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics by Robert C. Bartlett 9. Ovid's Metamorphoses by Elizabeth Vandiver 10. Marcus Aurelius's Meditations by Luke Timothy Johnson 11. St. Augustine's Confessions by William R. Cook & Ronald B. Herzman 12. The Koran by Grant Hardy 13. Fibonacci's Th